Ambulance Service in Khulna
Life info listed up some active hot line and contact numbers for Ambulance services in Khulna of different hospital both inside and outside Khulna city. Just call their hot line number or contact number–

Ad Din Akiz Medical College Hospital, Khulna
The service is available in 24 hours. The ambulance fare for
Khulna City charge 260/- BDT and outside of Khulna per km charge 25/- BDT.
Hot line: 10610, +88-01713-488411, +88-01713488412
Mobile: +88-01713488422
Gazi Medical College Hospital Ambulance service
For Khulna City charge 250/- BDT and outside of Khulna per km charge 30/- BDT.
24 hours availability for anywhere.
Mobile: +88-01779656810, +88-01779656811
Fire Service Ambulance list –
Khulna Divisional Control Room – +88041760333, +88041-760335
Khalishpur Fire Station – +88041-761005
Daulatpur Fire Station- +88041-762052
Tut para Fire Station- +88041-723011
Khulna Nodi Fire Station- +88041-890048
Khanjahan ALi Fire Station- +8801767897013
Pioneer Ambulance Service
24 hours ambulance service in Khulna
61, Nargis General Hospital, Road-South Central Road, Khalishpur, Khulna
Mobile: 01715467239
Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialized Hospital Ambulance
Cure Home General Hospital
Garibe Naaz Clinic
Islami Bank Hospital
041-761531-5, +8801712068684
Khalispur Clinic
Khulna Surgical & Medical Hospital
041-724450, 723966
Nargis Memorial Hospital
Upasham Hospital