Disease (রোগ ) and Concept of Disease (7641)
Diploma in medical Technology 4th Semester all Technology under Bangladesh Technical Education Board.
Disease (রোগ )
Definition: - maladjustment of human organism to the
environment is called disease. cÖwZK~j cwi‡e‡k gvbe‡`n Lvc LvIqv‡Z bv cvi‡j Zvi d‡j
gvbe‡`‡n †h cÖfve c‡o Zv‡K †ivM ev disease e‡j|
Natural history of disease:-
Definition: - It is the way in which disease pass the time
from the pre-pathogenesis phase to its termination (last of the pathogenesis
phase). Bnv
Ggb GKwU cÖwµqv hvi gva¨‡g †ivM wcÖc¨v_‡R‡bwmm ch©vq †_‡K c¨v_‡R‡bwmm †kl nq|
Phase: - 2 phases :- 1)
Pre-pathogenesis phase. 2) Pathogenesis phase.
Pre-pathogeneses phase: - It
is the period before beginning of disease. GwU †ivM ïi“I c~e©ve¯’v| Agent,
host, environment are isolated. GLv‡b Agent ‡ivM m„wóKvix, host gvbe‡`n, environment
Giv ci¯úi mnve¯’v‡b _v‡K wKš‘ G‡K A‡b¨i Dci †Kvb cÖfve †d‡jbv|
Pathogenesis phase: - It
is time after the beginning of diseases. GwU †ivM ïi“I c‡ii Ae¯’v| Agent,
host and environment interact with each other. GLv‡b Agent, host and
mnve¯’vb Gi cvkvcvwk G‡K A‡b¨I Dci mivmwi cÖfve we¯Ívi K‡i| Diseases is
terminated by recovery, disability or death. G Ae¯’v †_‡K †ivM cy‡ivcywi fvj n‡q
hvq, †jvKwU Amg_© n‡q †h‡Z cv‡i, ev Zvi g„Zz¨I n‡Z cv‡i|
Classification of disease: -
1) Communicable disease- msµvgK
†ivM| 2) Non-communicable disease-AmsµvgK †ivM|
Communicable disease: - The disease which can be transmitted
from one person to another person by air, dust, water, food etc. is known as
communicable disease.( ‡h †ivM GKR‡bi kixi †_‡K evZvm, cvwb, Lv`¨ ev a~jv evwji
gva¨‡g Ab¨R‡bi Qov‡Z cv‡I Zv‡K msµvgK †ivM e‡j|) †hgb t- a)
b) Malaria-g¨vjvwiqv|
c) Diarrhea-Wvqwiqv| d) Palio-‡cvwjI| e) Tetanus-wU‡Ubvm|
Non-communicable disease: - The disease which can not be
transmitted from one person to another person is known as non-communicable
disease. ( ‡h
‡ivM GKR‡bi †`n †_‡K Ab¨ R‡bi †`‡n Qvovqbv Z‡K AmsµvgK †ivM e‡j|) †hgb t- a)
Diabetes mellitus-Wvqv‡ewUm|
b) Blindness-AÜZ¡|
c) Hypertension-D”P i³Pvc|
d) Stroke-‡÷ªvK|
e) Cancer-K¨vÝvi|
Concept of
Theories of causation of the disease: - ‡iv‡Mi
KviY m¤úwK©Z gZev`|
A) Old theories: - From beginning of science to the time of a
scientist name Louis Pasteur.
K) cyivZb gZev` t- weÁv‡bi hvÎv †_‡K ïi“ K‡i jyB cv¯‘i bvgK weÁvbxi mgq
1) Supernatural theory- Disease
is caused by Jeen, God of health.
1) A‡jŠwKK
gZev`- Rxb,f~Z,†`eZvi Kvi‡Y †ivM nq|
2) Theory of humors- Disease is
due to body fluid e.g.:- blood.
2) kvixixK
im gZev`- wewfbœ kvixixi i‡mi Kvi‡Y †ivM nq, †hgb t- i³|
3) Concept of contagion- Disease occurs
due to contact between 2 persons.
3) ¯úk©
gZev`- gvby‡li ¯ú‡k©i Kvi‡Y †ivM nq|
4) Miasmatic theory- Disease is
due to bad air comes form water.
4) `~wlZ
evqy gZev`- Rjkq †_‡K Avmv `~wlZ evZv‡mi Kvi‡Y †ivM nq|
5) Theory of spontaneous
generation- Disease occurs spontaneously.
¯^Ztù~Z©fv‡e m„wó gZev`- ¯^Ztù~Z©fv‡e †ivM m„wó nq|
B) Modern theories: - From Louis Pasteur to now-a-days.
L) AvaywbK/bZzb gZev` t- jyB
cv¯‘‡ii mgq †_‡K eZ©gvb mgq ch©šÍ|
1) Germ theory- organism enters
human body and produce disease.
1) Rxevby ZË¡- Rxevby gvby‡li kix‡I
cÖ‡ek K‡I †ivM m„wó K‡i|
2) Epidemiological triad theory-
A harmful agent comes to a susceptible host in proper environment and produces
2) †ivMZË¡RwbZ wµfyR gZev`- ¶wZKi Drm
Dchy³ cwi‡e‡k SzuwKc~Y© gvby‡li kix‡I cÖ‡ek K‡i †ivM m„wó K‡i|
3) Web causation- complex
relation betweens many factors.
3) Rvj ZË¡- wewfbœ cÖKv‡ii cÖfve‡Ki
Af¨šÍ‡ii RwUj m¤ú‡K©I Ki‡Y †ivM nq|
4) Multifactorial causation-
Multiple factors responsible for the causation of disease.
4) eûcÖfveK gZev`- GKwU †iv‡Mi A‡bK
KviY _vK‡Z cv‡i|
Thanks sir