The tooth (5243)
Diploma in medical Technology 4th Semester Dental Technology under Bangladesh Technical Education Board.
of teeth
Oral and dental anatomy-2 (5243)
What is tooth?
A tooth is a hard, calcified structure found in
the jaws (or mouths) of many vertebrates and used
to break down food. Some animals, particularly carnivores, also
use teeth for hunting or for defensive purposes.
of tooth
Generally tooth have three parts
1. Crown
2. Neck
3. Root
It is also divided into four the sectional parts.
2. Dentin
1. Helps in mastication.
2. Aid in articulation and speech.
3. Give shape and beauty of face.
4. Help in self protection and attack.
5. Contribute to growth of the jaw.
of teeth
Deciduous teeth :
20 in number, 10 in each jaw. They start appearing in the mouth at
the age of 6 months and continue to do so till the age of 2.5 to 3 years.
The deciduous teeth are :-
Central incisor - 4 in number
Lateral incisor - 4 in number
Canine - 4 in number
First molar - 4 in number
Second molar - 4 in number
Total - 20 in Number.
Permanent teeth :
32 in number, 16 in each jaw. They start appearing at the age of 6
years. By the age of 13 years, 28 teeth have erupted. The third molar or wishdom teeth appear any
time between 18 to 25 years.
The permanent teeth are –
Central incisor - 4 in number
Lateral incisor - 4 in number
Canine - 4 in number
First premolar - 4 in number
Second premolar - 4 in number
First molar - 4 in number
Second molar - 4 in number
Third molar - 4 in number
Total - 32 in number.
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