Determinants and Indicators of health.(7641)

Diploma in medical Technology 4th Semester all Technology under Bangladesh Technical Education Board.

Subject name Community Medicine (7641)

Definition: - The factors which influence health are known as determinants of health.- ‡h mKj e¯‘ gvby‡li ¯^v¯’¨‡K cÖfvweZ K‡i (fvj ev Lvivc K‡i) Zv‡`i‡K wba©viK e‡j| ¯^v¯’¨ wba©viK †gvU 6wU|

There are 6 determinants of health.
1) Heredity- Disease of genetic origin.                       eskMZ- eskMZ †ivM|
2) Environment- Water, Air, Light.                            cwi‡ekMZ wba©viK- Rj, evqy, Av‡jv|
3) Life style- Smoking, regular exercise.                   Rxeb hvÎv- a~gcvb, wbqwgZ e¨vqg Kiv|
4) Socio economic condition-                                     Av_©mvgvwRK Ae¯’v|
Economic status: - Poor economic status → poor health.- Lvivc Avw_©K Ae¯’v Lvivc ¯^v¯’¨|
→ Education → Illiteracy → Poor health. – wk¶v wbi¶iZv Lvivc ¯^v¯’¨|
→ Occupation → Employment → Good health. - ‡ckvKg©Rxex fv‡jv ¯^v¯’¨|
→ Political system → Health care system. – ivR‰bwZK Ae¯’v ¯^v¯’¨ e¨ve¯’v|

5) Health and family welfare service- ¯^v¯’¨ I cwievi Kj¨vY g~jK †mev t- Safe water supply-wbivc` Rj mieivn| Maternal & child health services-gv I wkï ¯^v¯’¨ †mev|

6) Other factors: - Food, industry, rural development. Ab¨vb¨ wba©viK t- Lv`¨, wkí, cj­x Dbœqb|

Indicators of health- ¯^v¯’¨ m~PK/wb‡`©kK

Definition: - Health indicators are the tools with which we can measure the health status of a community eg:- morbidity, mortality, social status etc. (Health indicators n‡jv Ggb wKQy wel‡qi mgš^q hvi gva¨‡g community †Z emevmiZ gvby‡li ¯^v‡¯’¨I Ae¯’v cwigvc Kiv hvq|) †hgbt- Amy¯’Zvi nvi, g„Zz¨nvi BZ¨vw`|

Criteria of health indicators:-
1) It should be valid                -Bnv hyw³msMZ n‡Z n‡e|
2) It should be reliable            -we¯^¯Í n‡Z n‡e|
3) It should be sensitive          -Abyf~wZm¤úbœ n‡Z n‡e|
4) It should be specific            -Bnv wbw`©ó n‡Z n‡e|
5) It should be feasible            -mv‡a¨I g‡a¨ _vK‡Z n‡e|
6) It should be relevant           -cÖvmw½K n‡Z n‡e|

What are the indicators of health?
Ans: - Indicators of health may be classified as:

1) Mortality indicator:-           a) crude death rate                  -me gvby‡li Rb¨|
b) Infant mortality rate            -1eQ‡ii Kg eq‡mi wkï|
c) Child mortality rate            -1eQ‡ii †ekx|
d) Maternal mortality rate       -gvZ… g„Zz¨nvi|
2) Morbidity indicator:-Amy¯’Zvi nv‡ii m~PK t-
a) Incidence & prevalence.
b) Attendance rates at out patient department’s health centers.
c) Admission readmission & discharge rates.
d) Duration of stay in hospital.
3) Disability rates-A¶gZvi nvi/weKjv½|

4) Nutritional indicators.
5) Health care delivery indicators.
6) Utilization rates.
7) Indicators of social & mental health.
8) Environmental indicators.
9) Socio-economic indicators.
10) Health policy indicators.
11) Indicators of quality of life.
12) Other indicators.

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