Definition Of Epidemiology Term (7641)
Diploma in medical Technology 4th Semester all Technology under Bangladesh Technical Education Board.
Community Medicine (7641)
Definition Of Epidemiology Term
Epidemic- Bwc‡WwgK- gnvgvix: (Epi means upon, demos mean
The unusual (A¯^vfvweK) occurrence (NUv) of disease in a community or region, specific health related behavior or other health related events clearly in excess of “Expected occurrence”. ‡Kvb wbw`©ó GjvKvi ev m¤cÖ`v‡q †Kvb †ivM ev ¯^v¯’¨ m¤úwK©Z †Kvb mgm¨v A¯^vfvweKfv‡e †e‡o †M‡j Zv‡K Epidemic gnvgvix e‡j
The unusual (A¯^vfvweK) occurrence (NUv) of disease in a community or region, specific health related behavior or other health related events clearly in excess of “Expected occurrence”. ‡Kvb wbw`©ó GjvKvi ev m¤cÖ`v‡q †Kvb †ivM ev ¯^v¯’¨ m¤úwK©Z †Kvb mgm¨v A¯^vfvweKfv‡e †e‡o †M‡j Zv‡K Epidemic gnvgvix e‡j
Eg: Measles- nvg,
Cholera- K‡jiv,
Chicken Pox- emš—,
Lung Cancer- dzmdz‡mi
Endemic: (GbwWwgK- ¯’vbxq) It refers to the constant presence
of a disease or infectious agent within a given geographic area or the
population group. ‡Kvb
wbw`©ó GjvKvi ev †`‡k †Kvb wbw`©ó †ivM memgq _vK‡j Zv‡K Endemic e‡j
Eg: Cholera is endemic in Bangladesh ,
Malaria in hill tracts (Uªv±m), and Goiter (MBUvi- MjMÛ) in Rangpur
Pandemic: (‡cb‡WwgK) an epidemic affecting
a large proportion of the population, occurring over a wide geographic area
such as section of nation, the entire nation, a continent or the world. ‡Kvb †ivM
hLb eû RbM‡bi g‡a¨ †`Lv †`q hv †Kvb GjvKvq ev †Kvb †`‡k ev †Kvb gnv‡`‡k ev mg¯—
c„w_ex‡Z †`Lv hvq Zv‡K Pandemic e‡j
Eg: Influenza pandemic at
1918 & 1957.
Sporadic: (‡¯úv‡iwWK) When a disease occurs irregularly
haphazardly (Qovq
wQUvq) from time to time and generally infrequently, without having a
common source of infection is known as sporadic. ‡Kvb †ivM †Kvb GjvKvq †ewk ev †Kvb
GjvKvq Kg †Kvb wbqg Qvov n‡j Zv‡K ‡¯úv‡iwfK e‡j
Eg: Polio, Tetanus
Zoonosis :(‡Rv‡bvwmm) These diseases & infections which are
naturally transmitted between vertebrate animals & mans is called Zoonosis.
†Kvb †ivM ev Bb‡dKkb cÖvK„wZKfv‡eB †gi“`Ûx cÖvYx ev gvby‡li g‡a¨ Qovq ZLb Zv‡K
†Rv‡bvwmm e‡j
Infection: The entry & development or multipcation of an
infections agent in the body of a man or animal is called infection. gvbyl ev
Ab¨ †Kvb cÖvYxi †`‡n Rxevby cÖ‡ek K‡i e„w× jvf Kiv I eskwe¯—vi Kiv‡K msµgb e‡j
Contamination: The presence of an infection agent on the
body surface also in cloths, beddings, toys, surgical instruments or other
inanimate objects including water, milk and food. msµwgZ e¨w³i kixi †_‡K Rxevby
‡Kvb e¨w³i Rvgv Kvco, weQvbv, ‡Ljbv, mvwR©K¨vj BÝUªy‡g›U A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb Ro e¯‘
†hgb- cvwb, Lv`¨, `ya BZ¨vw`‡Z Dcw¯’Z _vK‡j Zv‡K K›Uvwg‡bkb e‡j
Incubation period :( BbKz‡ekb) It is the time
interval between the entry of the disease agent in the body & manifestation
of climical signs & symptoms. ‡ivM m„wóKvix e¯‘ kix‡i cÖ‡e‡ki ci
†iv‡Mi j¶b cÖKvk cvIqvi AvM ch©š— Aš—eZ©xKvj‡K BbwKD‡ekb e‡j
Example: AIDS- Prolong incubation
Tetanus- Short incubation period